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SAP QCI General Configuration FAQs

Answers to common questions regarding general SAP QCI Configurations (SAP Material Master, HPM, TSW …)

How can I find out if a conversion group is a SAP QCI or MQCI conversion group?

In the PMC or GMC, go to tab strip “QCI Configuration” and display your conversion group(s):

Column QCI displays either “SAP” for SAP QCI conversion groups or “QTYW” for MQCI conversion groups.

If you click on the “Description” column, the conversion group analysis documentation is displayed and the header contains the information as well:

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What is the difference between a SAP QCI and an MQCI conversion group?

QuantityWare BCS delivers a configuration template that contains two different types of conversion groups – SAP QCI conversion groups and MQCI conversion groups.

Both types utilize the proven SAP QCI interface to oil & gas business processes and thus integrate seamlessly into all processes.

  • SAP QCI conversion groups are limited in their functional extend and are typically used in legacy environments.
  • MQCI conversion groups offer full functional calculation flexibility – supporting all available measurement standards and should be used in greenfield projects.
  • For BCG LNG and high pressure natural gas implementation projects,

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What is the difference between "test density" and "base density"?

The density qualifies all crude oils and products and is required for the calculation of volume correction factors (VCF). Densities depend on the temperature (and pressure) of the bulk product.

Conversion group based quantity conversions are defined at a standard reference temperature (and pressure, if required). Globally, three different standard reference temperatures (also called “base temperature”) are in use within the oil industries (with a few more national exceptions): 60 °F, 15 °C and 20 °C.

The base density is the product density at the standard reference temperature.

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What is the difference between "test temperature" and "material temperature"?

Via the PMC, you may print the relevant “Tables” that are assigned to a conversion group. Note that these “Tables” are online-calculated values using the relevant measurement standard algorithm implementations (e.g. ASTM D1250-80) delivered by QuantityWare BCP:

1. Base density determination via “test density” and “test temperature”:

2. VCF determination via material/observed temperature and base density:

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Can I change the UoM group in the material master?

  1. In SAP ECC systems, you cannot change the UoM group or add or delete UoM to an existing UoM group, once stock has been posted for such a material.
  2. In SAP S/4HANA systems, the UoM group can be extended with new UoM, also in production. However, this requires usage of dedicated extension report tools provided by SAP. Thus, such a UoM group extension (adding a new UoM to an existing UoM group) should always be performed by an experienced HPM consultant.

Read the FAQ for a conversion group change for more information.

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I need to change the conversion group in the material master. Is this possible?

Changing the conversion group in the material master – also in production – is supported by SAP since ERP Release 4.6B.  You simply have to observe the general rule, that an HPM material (for which stock levels are posted in parallel in several  UoM – which are defined in the UoM group) cannot be changed to be a standard material and vice versa. This means, that you cannot remove a conversion group completely (i.e. leaving the entry field blank), once assigned and material documents have been posted.

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Can I utilize different measurement standard versions for the same material at different company codes or plants?

A conversion group defines the measurement standard version. A conversion group is assigned to a material at plant level. Thus, at different plants, you may assign different conversion groups to the material. Quantity value differences, that may arise from such a configuration when postings are made e.g. between plants, must be considered.  Read the Conversion Group Change FAQ for additional information.

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The activation of the QCI default transaction is not possible in customizing, a table entry is missing - what can I do?

You want to activate the latest QCI default transaction. The activation using the proper customizing transaction is impossible. No entry is displayed. What went wrong?

  1. This issue is described in detail in SAP Note 308022 – FAQ: QCI – Quantity Conversion Interface, Point 6.
  2. Additional information is provided in SAP Note 545432.

The activation requires that exactly 1 (one) database entry in SAP table OIB_DEF is present in the system in your client. Follow the instructions provided in these two SAP notes. If your QuantityWare Template Client 045 has been built from a copy of SAP Client 000,

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How does the QCI tolerance check for manual/external quantity value entry work?

SAP QCI conversion groups, as well as the MQCI conversion groups, support direct entry of quantity values from external systems, e.g. TAS systems.
The external values may have been calculated / determined in an unknown way, but are believed to be trustworthy and thus required in the SAP system as is. Once entered into the SAP system, they are compared with the SAP QCI / MQCI calculated results, which are defined by the conversion group configuration – based on well defined measurement standards implementations in your implementation project.
If deviations occur, the system checks that these deviations are within the limits defined in the conversion group.

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I receive warning messages O3 361 and/or O3 362 for my crude oil calculations, why is that?

The messages

  • O3 361: “Transaction unit of measure for BSW % has to be at ambient conditions”
  • O3 362: “Target unit of measure for BSW % is defined at ambient conditions”

are configurable messages (I,W,E) within the legacy SAP QCI. These two messages can also be configured not to appear. However, this should be done with care:

The two messages are intended as a warning, if non-zero sediment and water (S&W) fractions are entered for crude oil SAP QCI conversion group calculations.

Using SAP QCI conversion groups,

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I want to create a TSW nomination with a gross volume UoM and receive an error message. What can I do?

For the quantities gross mass (GSM), gross volume (GSV/GOV), net weight (NSW), gross weight (GSW) and Volume LNG – Liquid, QuantityWare delivers new UoM . These are linked to new SAP dimension IDs – DIMIDs. Quantity values with UoM belonging to such new dimensions are valid Nomination scheduling quantity values. However, TSW Nomination carries out a standard UoM validation check which allows SAP DIMID MASS or VOLUME only.

You can disable this check (or write a custom code check): To disable the check, go to the SAP IMG and change the UoM Check Message Type:

Read the FAQ UoM dimension check for more details.

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