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I receive warning messages O3 361 and/or O3 362 for my crude oil calculations, why is that?

The messages

  • O3 361: “Transaction unit of measure for BSW % has to be at ambient conditions”
  • O3 362: “Target unit of measure for BSW % is defined at ambient conditions”

are configurable messages (I,W,E) within the legacy SAP QCI. These two messages can also be configured not to appear. However, this should be done with care:

The two messages are intended as a warning, if non-zero sediment and water (S&W) fractions are entered for crude oil SAP QCI conversion group calculations.

Using SAP QCI conversion groups, you cannot separate net and gross volumes, net and gross masses and net and gross weights.


You utilize gallons – SAP UoM UGL – as transaction unit and the UoM group contains barrels – BBL – as stock keeping unit. The BBL value will be calculated as net observed volume. The UGL value is considered as gross observed volume. On the other hand, movements with BBL as as transaction UoM assume that the BBL value is defined as gross observed volume.

This may lead to stock level inconsistencies.

You post a goods movement of crude oil with a sediment & water fraction of 1 %. 42 000 gallons (42 000 UGL) – gross observed volume (GOV) – are received. This leads to a NSV of 990 barrels at 60 °F (BB6) and a NSV of 41 580 gallons at 60 °F (UG6). The value of 990 barrels (BBL) is apparently a NOV value – at 60 °F material temperature, thus equal to the BB6 value.  If you now post the movement in barrels and utilize that value of 990 BBL, it is assumed to be a gross observed volume, and the calculation is not as expected:


If you require crude oil S&W calculations as defined in the API MPMS , you have to utilize the QuantityWare BCP MQCI crude oil conversion groups. These conversion groups have one of four available API MPMS crude oil calculation models assigned. These are part of the BCP template client 045.
For the reasons outlined above, the BCP crude oil template conversion groups, that are not configured with the API MPMS crude oil calculation model, do not contain the sediment & water fraction in the assigned reading group – and also not the meter correction factor (MCF). However, if you utilize SAP Tank Management, you may have to use SAP QCI BCP crude oil template conversion groups, due to the limitations described in the SAP Tank Management FAQ. Then, you may have to add the sediment & water fraction parameter to your customer specific Z***, Y*** or X*** reading group (and possibly a MCF, if required):

Example: Copy of template conversion group Q106 to Y106 and add sediment & water fraction parameter to reading group:

Categories: BCS Messages FAQs | SAP QCI General Configuration FAQs

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