QuantityWare is a software company and does not directly perform any consulting activities.
To fulfill customers’ project requirements, we rely upon constructive co-operation with our global network of certified consultants.
In the consultants area, information and details can be found for each, and filters can be applied allowing specific selection of consultants.
Using experience gained from customer projects around the world, the PAIGs (for petroleum and gas) provide customers and consultants with “best practices” project plans and benchmark values for implementation steps.
For each of our products, the ability to classify project complexity helps set expectations and define project effort and required resources.
This planning transparency aids cost reduction, promotes efficient resource usage and helps define realistic project milestones.
Based upon our analysis of all supported measurement standards, BCS provides a unique, comprehensive quantity conversions reference client.
This reference client is used to validate the solution’s installation via a detailed, automated test.
After the test proves the installation’s validity, customers can populate their project client using the configuration examples provided within our reference client.
As seen from many successful projects, this saves time, effort and minimizes the risk of inaccurate configuration settings for all quantity conversions.
The best technical solution is not complete without good documentation.
We openly offer all reference manuals, release notes and general product information. In addition, we share our experience and knowledge through the provision of consulting and working papers.
All of these are freely available and can be searched through in our Knowledge Base.
Designed for SAP Oil, Gas, and Energy consultants and customer measurement specialists, our training enables an active global network of certified consultants.
Each of our training courses is a five day course, where participants will learn all major aspects of BCS implementation through intensive, project-oriented presentations and exercises.
Upon course completion, participants are awarded their BCS certification and receive a privileged user in the QuantityWare Service Portal.