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Usage Questionnaire Improvements

QuantityWare Service Portal (v9.0.0) has been launched, featuring significant improvements to our Usage Questionnaire functionality:

A New, Clearer Look

The questionnaire editor has been given a brand new look, with fast navigation, progress indication, and simpler language used in questions.

We’ve also simplified the BCS product determination by asking a single product question, rather than three separate questions.

Faster Completion

Answers are automatically saved to a user’s web browser, meaning the questionnaire editor can be closed and returned to later to continue where a user left off.

For existing customers we have made the annual questionnaire submission easier and faster, with the ability to review the most recent questionnaire and confirm/modify the answers to each question.

Existing customers’ organization details are automatically completed, and the user’s portal account details automatically used.

Easier Approval

If a user has authority to self-approve a questionnaire, this is now performed immediately on submission, rather than requiring a separate approval step.

For existing customers, approval of a questionnaire can now be performed by a Portal contact via the standard ticket system.

Initial Quote Generation

For prospective customers, when QuantityWare confirms a submitted questionnaire, an initial quote PDF is generated and sent to the user and approver of the questionnaire.

We believe the changes described above will make the questionnaire submission and approval experience easier, faster, and more useful to our customers – existing and prospective alike.

Want to Know Your Usage Profile?

You  can fill out a usage questionnaire right now, to determine your organization’s position on our pricing matrix.

Alternatively, you can first apply for non-obligatory, fully-functional test usage keys for one SAP system, without charge, which can be requested via our Service Portal.
