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Advanced Development Released: New Test Scenario Maintenance

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Today QuantityWare released the Advanced Development (AD) “Usability and Simplicity – Test Scenario Maintenance” with note 000119, which delivers an updated Test Scenario Maintenance interface for the Petroleum Measurement Cockpit (PMC) and Gas Measurement Cockpit (GMC). Details can be found in note 000119 and the updated BCS 3.0 documentation in our Knowledge Base.

Price Adjustment 2025 Q2

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QuantityWare prices have been kept stable since their revision in 2015. From April 2025 onward, QuantityWare will increase all product prices by 10%.

All discount and price rules will be maintained.

Orders placed before 2025-04-01 will be honored at the current pricing levels. For further information and the new price matrices, see this FAQ.

Crude Oil Calculations – Tutorial Video

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Crude oil calculations are among the most complex calculations with respect to the involved quantities (GOV, GSV, NOV, NSV,…).

Thus, QuantityWare presents a new tutorial video, which describes – in a clear and easy-to-understand manner – the calculations required for these conversions, and how QuantityWare’s Bulk Calculations – Petroleum (BCP) provides powerful tooling to perform them, with advanced flexibility for configuration.

You can view our tutorial video on our new “What is covered” page.

Quantity Conversion Implementations – Brazil

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With respect to quantity conversion calculations used in the processing and sale of gasoline, diesel, LPG and ethanol, Brazil defines its own national measurement standards with which oil, gas, and energy companies operating in Brazil must comply. QuantityWare supports all such standards, as described in the new consulting note 000117.

Industrial Gases – High Pressure Quantity Conversions

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With note 000116 (available in Q2 2024), QuantityWare will release its BCG implementations of AGA Report No 8. Part 1 and 2 for BCG MQCI calculations for industrial gases (e.g. hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, …) .

This important gas product support extension of BCG is driven by a strongly rising industry demand (e.g. helium production, nitrogen processing in gas plants, CO2 CCS processing & monitoring etc.).

It is made possible by the recently delivered and revised BCG implementations of AGA Report No 8. Part 1 and 2 – as part of the BCS 30A CSP03 / 30B CSP02 release.

SAP®S/4HANA 2023 Support

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The QuantityWare Bulk Calculations Solution 3.0 (BCS 30B) has successfully completed its certification as the only “SAP® Certified Integration with RISE with S/4HANA Cloud” quantity conversion and governance solution available for the SAP Oil, Gas & Energy solution.

Thus, BCS 30B has now been released by QuantityWare for productive usage with the SAP Oil, Gas & Energy Solution on S/4HANA 2023.

BCS 30A CSP03 / BCS 30B CSP02 Released

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With support for revised natural gas and new natural gas & hydrogen mixtures standard versions, usability enhancements and minor corrections, these CSPs (CSP03 for BCS 30A and CSP02 for BCS 30B) also contain support for anhydrous ammonia and revised South American standards; See the release notes in our Knowledge Base for further details. Registered users can find all CSP files in the DataLounge within our service portal for download.

To coincide with this CSP release, we have also updated, editorially revised and re-released virtually all documentation and consulting and working papers in a new, modern format.
