With RESOLUÇÃO ANP No 894 – 2022, RESOLUÇÃO No 6 – 70 has been revoked, and technically put into force again.
No changes to the 1970 Tables I(1) and II(2) content and description have been made.
Thus, from an implementation point of view, the current Table II solution delivered with BCP 3.0 needs no technical modification.
In order to support density corrections based on Table I as well, QuantityWare plans to deliver an extension of the current Table II implementation within an Advanced Development (AD) in Q2 2023.
Since the now newly reconfirmed national Brazilian standard are the printed table values (as e.g., ASTM D1250-1952 Table 6), a complete validation of the formula based approach against the all table values is required.
See note 000101 and note 000113 for additional details.