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New Licensing Form

QuantityWare now additionally offers an annual “SaaS” (Software as a Service) subscription for its BCP and BCG products, allowing you maximum financial flexibility. Multiple year contracts are also possibleĀ – assuring stability, but spreading the cost of usage across the lifespan of your system. Full maintenance and all product upgrades are included in the SaaS fee while you are still free to install the software on multiple SAP Oil & Gas instances within the limits of the license. At the end of the annual subscription period, our solution simply ceases to function and can be left, (owing to our strict policy of non-modification) passive in the system, to be deleted at the next SAP upgrade, or removed by means of a special de-installation package.
This additional license strategy strengthens our companies’ fair and transparent pricing modelĀ – providing a better “fit” to customer usage in a dynamic market environment.
