We receive warning message /QTYW/BCC 394: Function module & not defined in function repository, what does this mean?
This message is a non-critical warning message, which appears either during configuration of the function module sequence or when the conversion group check is executed and displayed in a list – if a function module is not declared as an available function in the QuantityWare function repository.
This repository is only required for the F4 help during configuration of a conversion group, such that certified BCS consultants may change configurations according to customer specific requirements with support of the F4 help.
You may ignore this message. In your configuration template client 045, all available function modules are declared in the client dependent repository, as part of the BC set delivery.
Alternatively, you may define the function module (or your customer specific Z*** function module, or functions delivered new with an AD) in your relevant clients in the repository as well, or transport all entries from client 045 to all relevant clients and systems.
From the BCP or BCG customizing, choose: Basic Settings & Constants -> Maintain function module repository:
All function modules that are already maintained are displayed:
Select “New entries”:
and maintain the function module with its proper technical name. The Usage is defined by your conversion group. Read the FAQ how to determine if a conversion group is a SAP QCI or MQCI conversion group to define that entry. You may also set it as “not defined”.
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