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Questionnaire Overview

Our self-assessment questionnaire is used by prospective and existing customers to determine their position on our pricing matrix, ensuring the costs charged for our BCS solution fairly reflect each organization’s usage profile.

To do this, the questionnaire gathers three key pieces of information:

  • Scale – The size of your organization (national, continental or global)
  • Usage – The complexity of your organization’s configuration (simple, standard or complex)
  • Software – Whether you choose to use quantity calculations, manage and validate your existing legacy calculations, for petroleum products using BCP, or gas products using BCG

This key information is determined from your answers to several multiple-choice questions.

When to Complete

Prospective Customers

Organizations wishing to sign up to a paid BCS usage agreement need to complete the questionnaire as a first step.

If you wish to test BCS prior to purchase, you should complete a Test Usage Key Request, and complete a questionnaire at a later point in time.

Existing Customers (Productive)

Organizations with a productive BCS agreement are required to perform an annual appraisal of their previous year’s questionnaire results, in order to renew their BCS usage agreement (ensuring provision of usage keys and support).

Existing Customers (Testing)

Organizations testing BCS and wishing to enter a productive BCS agreement must complete the questionnaire as a first step.

How to Complete

Providing accurate information

It is vital that the information provided by you in the questionnaire is accurate, as this information is used as the key input for commencing or continuing a legally binding agreement between your organization and QuantityWare.

Preparing your answers

To assist you with the completion of the questionnaire, we provide an “offline” copy of the questionnaire, which you may use to discuss your organization’s answers with your colleagues.

If required, please download a copy of the offline Usage Questionnaire PDF.

Accessing the Questionnaire

The self-assessment questionnaire is available on the QuantityWare Service Portal; accessed as follows:

  • When logged in: the Home screen Portal Dashboard (via the “Usage Questionnaire” grid item)
  • When not logged in: the navigation menu on the Service Portal login screen.

Organization and Contact Details

Prior answering the questions, we require you to enter your organization details, your contact details and the detail of the manager who will sign-off the completed questionnaire.

This is required so that we can get in touch with you to provide a quote, along with test usage keys for your selected BCS software if required.

We require a “manager / sign-off” contact to be specified, as they will provide digital sign-off for the completed questionnaire prior to processing by QuantityWare. If you have the authority to fulfill this function, you may specify your own details as the “manager / sign-off” contact.


Each of the questions are multiple-choice and must be answered for each product selected (where applicable).

A question will often be preceded with background information that explains the reason for the question, with links to information that will help you provide an accurate answer:

The questions are split into three categories, in the following order:

  • BCS Product Selection
  • Scale determination
  • Usage determination

To complete the questionnaire, you must answer every question.

BCP Condensate Supplement

Condensate calculations require the use of a petroleum quantity conversion standard.

This is not supported by BCG. However, our BCP Condensate supplement allows you to perform productive condensate calculations, and validate legacy calculations, without requiring the full BCP product.

BCP Condensate is required when all of the following are true:

  • BCG is selected
  • “Condensate” is selected in the list of Gas products in the Products Groups Count question
  • You don’t require BCP, or require BCP at a scale lower than calculated above

BCG Hydrogen & Industrial Gases Supplement

BCG support for 100% Hydrogen Gas / Hydrogen Gas Mixtures greater than 5% / other industrial gases requires the use of our Hydrogen & Industrial Gases supplement.

BCG Hydrogen & Industrial Gases supplement is required when all of the following apply:

  • BCG is selected
  • “100% Hydrogen Gas / Hydrogen Gas Mixtures > 5% / other industrial gases” is chosen in the Products Groups Count question

To learn which industrial gases this applies to, please read our FAQ.

Your Results

Once all questions are answered, we display a results summary below the questions, showing:

  • Each of the products you selected (with the calculated scale, usage, and annual price)
  • Any supplements required (with the calculated scale, usage, and annual price)
  • Any discounts
  • The total annual price:

Please note that all prices displayed are Net (i.e. excluding all taxes, duties, tariffs etc.) and may be subject to change.


To submit the questionnaire, read through the notices shown in the “Submit Results” section of the screen and confirm you understand, complete the Image Selection challenge and click “Submit Results”.

If there are any issues with the data you have entered, or you missed any key data, a message will be shown describing what needs to be changed.

If there are no issues found, your questionnaire will be submitted.

On the submission confirmation screen, you will have an opportunity to download a PDF copy of your completed questionnaire for review:

You will be sent a confirmation email that the submission has been completed and requires sign-off from your manager.

This email will include a link to a View Questionnaire page, which is used to:

  • View the completed questionnaire
  • Communicate with QuantityWare (if required)
  • View progress of the questionnaire processing

The manager will be sent an email containing a link to a similar page (see below).

Next Steps

Approval / Rejection

Firstly, the manager / sign-off contact must choose to either approve or reject the completed questionnaire.

They will receive an email containing a link to an Approve Questionnaire page, which is used to:

  • View the completed questionnaire
  • Communicate with QuantityWare (if required)
  • Approve / reject your results:

The manager / sign-off contact then decides to:

  • Approve – the questionnaire will be marked as “approved” and sent to QuantityWare for processing.
  • Reject – the questionnaire will be marked as “rejected” and flagged for deletion. You will be required to complete a new questionnaire. Please speak with your manager to understand why the rejection occurred prior to re-submission.


If we have any questions regarding your Questionnaire, we will be in touch using the Portal. You will receive an email containing our comments.

This email will contain a link to the View/Approve Questionnaire page. Use the “Discuss” tab in this page to reply to us.


If we require you to make changes to your submitted Questionnaire, we will send you an email explaining what needs changing, and a link to the “reopened” Questionnaire for you to edit.

Follow this link to make the required changes to the Questionnaire, and resubmit the Questionnaire to us.


Once any questions / changes have been resolved, we will confirm the Questionnaire results and continue as follows:

  • Prospective customers – we will begin the process of establishing an agreement with your organization.
  • Existing customers – we will begin the process of renewing the agreement with your organization.

Once the agreement is in place, a valid purchase order has been received or invoices have been paid, productive usage keys and full Service Portal access for your selected software will be provided for the agreed payment period.

Viewing Completed Questionnaires

If you are an existing QuantityWare customer, you can access your organization’s previously processed questionnaires in the following areas:

Questionnaires Page

Navigate to the “Customer” menu, then select the “Questionnaires” menu item to view a summary of your organization’s most recent questionnaire, and a list of all previous questionnaires.

Click on any one of the questionnaires to view the results summary and full list of answers. You can also download a PDF copy of the completed questionnaire from within the questionnaire viewer.

Agreement Manager

Navigate to the “Customer” menu, then select the “Agreement Manager” menu item to view the Agreement Manager.

Select the “Documents” tab, then the “Questionnaires” sub-tab to view a summary of your organization’s most recent questionnaire, and a list of all previous questionnaires.

Click on any one of the questionnaires to view the results summary and full list of answers. You can also download a PDF copy of the completed questionnaire from within the questionnaire viewer.


Each completed questionnaire is assigned a ticket in the Portal, which is assigned to your organization on completion.

Filter the category in the Ticket List to “Usage Questionnaire” (and remove any other filters) to easily view them.

Click on a Usage Questionnaire ticket, then the “Questionnaire” tab to view the results summary and full list of answers. You can also download a PDF copy of the completed questionnaire from within the tab.

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