Quantity conversions between quantity values can be performed in several ways (models), which are comprised of distinct “calculation steps”.
A sequence of calculation steps, which typically include calculation procedures of measurement related parameters, the conversion of distinct kinds of quantity values of different quantities (“dimensions” in SAP terminology), as well as rounding procedures, is the basic definition of the quantity conversion model.
Different quantity conversion models are defined in national and international measurement standards and are in use within the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical industries.
QuantityWare has thus developed a Model-based QCI, called MQCI, which enables implementations of any possible quantity conversion model, for any required quantity.
The Model-based Quantity Conversion Interface is seamlessly integrated into the SAP QCI and can be either utilized in parallel with the proven SAP QCI conversion logic in any SAP Oil, Gas, and Energy system, or as the single quantity conversion solution within your SAP Oil, Gas, and Energy system.