I require UoM gigawatt hours for my natural gas reporting, how do I define it?
Gigawatt hour is an energy UoM. As part of the QuantityWare configuration template (BC sets), 35 energy UoM are delivered:
Gigawatt hour and terawatt hour are defined in the current BCP and BCG template.
Creating a new energy UoM
If you have not installed BCS 30A CSP03 / BCS 30B CSP02 , a new energy UoM can be added easily to the template and then distributed through your system landscape. Copy e.g. UoM MWH (megawatt hour):
to GWH and TWH, and adjust the exponent in the details from 6 to 9 (GWH) / 12 (TWH). Check with business experts if a combustion condition set is required – typically natural gas quantity conversions do require specification of a combustion reference temperature:
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