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Does QuantityWare BCG support industrial gases like nitrogen, oxygen, argon, helium and so on?

QuantityWare BCG supports dry natural gases (high and low pressure processing), LNG and NGL  – and many industrial gases as well.

Note: You have to implement note 000116 (released in April 2024) to utilize BCG conversion groups for non-combustible industrial gases.

  • As stated in AGA report No. 8 Part 1 (2017) the implementations “can be used for calculations of compressibility factors and densities for pure methane, ethane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and hydrogen sulfide, and for gas mixtures”; thus, industrial gases:
    • Nitrogen
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Hydrogen 
    • Hydrogen sulfide

are supported with BCG conversion groups, that are configured for calculation scenarios that include the AGA Report No. 8 Part 1 compression factor implementation.

With the GERG 2008 implementation (AGA Report No. 8 Part 2 (2017)) delivered with BCS 30A CSP03 / 30B CSP02 – “the model is also applicable to each of the pure natural gas components and to numerous binary and multi-component mixtures not related to natural gas”, thus industrial gases

    • Nitrogen
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Hydrogen
    • Oxygen
    • Carbon monoxide
    • Hydrogen sulfide
    • Helium
    • Argon

are supported with BCG conversion groups, that are configured for calculation scenarios that include the AGA Report No. 8 Part 2 compression factor implementation.

Thus, the template conversion groups assigned to the following high pressure composition calculation scenarios are available for industrial gases:

Real Gas High Pressure Solution – Nitrogen Example:

100% Nitrogen: (energy values are all zero since nitrogen is a non-combustible gas)

Ideal Gas Low Pressure Solution – Nitrogen Example:

If you simply require data capture of low pressure nitrogen volumes and masses, you may consider utilizing a BCG ideal gas low pressure MQCI conversion group, where you capture the nitrogen volume and density and calculated the mass according tho the ideal gas law.

If you have installed BCS 30A CSP02 or BCS 30B CSP01 (released September 2021) – simply select conversion group QVFX from your BCG template client 045:

Categories: BCG Hydrogen & Industrial Gases FAQs | BCS Supported Products FAQs

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