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Can I use a “Purchaser” Organization?

Principally, QuantityWare GmbH sells Annual Usage Agreements directly to end-customers. QuantityWare has no general re-sellers authorized to re-sell it’s software to any customer – all exceptions to direct purchase must be regulated on a per-customer basis.

We understand that in certain circumstances, end-customers may have internal procedures and requirements which restrict their ability to purchase an Annual Usage Agreement for QuantityWare’s BCS (Bulk Calculations Solution) directly from QuantityWare. In this case, QuantityWare supports customer needs by allowing the use of a “Purchaser” organization. This organization must be selected independently by the end-customer and assigned to their QuantityWare Support Portal presence. See the online Portal documentation (accessible without a portal user) regarding the assignment of a Purchaser and the restrictions this will place on the visibility of tickets for the Purchaser and end-customer.

Purchasers may only supply QuantityWare Usage Agreement rights to end-customers using QuantityWare standard Annual Usage Agreement and Bi-Directional NDA terms.

At a high level, Purchasers buy the required agreement scale from QuantityWare directly and through the use of  three-way document signed by the Purchaser, end-customer and QuantityWare, assign all rights and responsibilities to the end-customer. Productive licenses may not be supplied to the customer before the transferal document (CRTR) has been signed by all parties. For a description of our process steps, please refer to this document.

Categories: Procedural FAQs | Support, Procedures & Pricing FAQs

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