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SAP ICC Certification of BCG

The certification of BCG 10A has been put back to 07.12.2007 owing to an error in BC-Set data collection which is currently being fixed by SAP.

Maintenance Update

CSP 05 released for BCP 10A on ERP 6.0. Less than one month after the official release of GPA TP-27, QuantityWare has delivered the full functionality of this standard in its latest support package. The other major feature of this CSP is the delivery of customizable parameter ranges for standards supported by BCP 10A.

ASTM D 1250-07

After investigating and validating the latest version of the ASTM D 1250 standard, QuantityWare confirms that its product BCP 10A fully supports this version, as well as all previous versions (2004, 1980 and 1952).

BCP & BCG: GPA TP-27 Released.

Today the GPA released the latest version of the LPG calculation standard. The TP-27 standard replaces TP-25 and extends the standard allowing for calculation at 15 °C and 20 °C. This is already possible with BCP 10A from Support Package 3 onward. We will be analyzing the latest standard and will publish a statement regarding compatibility in November.

BCP & BCG: Coding Quality Counts.

The QuantityWare solutions have just reached, when combined, 200.000 lines of code. 36.1% of this code are test programs, provided to customers by QuantityWare to prove and assure compliance with the standards implemented.
Forget a patchwork of hard-to-maintain “C”-routines posing major disadvantages. The QuantityWare BCP and BCG solutions are all-round functional and maintenance offerings, fully integrated into the “World of SAP” providing business flexibility, physical accuracy, legal compliance and increased security.

BCG: QuantityWare is Developing a Natural Gas and LNG Calculation Solution.

By the beginning of November 2007, we plan to have the initial functionality complete, covering High- and Low-Pressure regimes, with full Wobbe index and Orifice calculation support. A TSW demo is also being planned, allowing SAP IS-Oil&Gas customers to witness the accurate calculation of Natural Gas and LNG within the SAP IS-Oil & Gas solution for the first time ever. Owing to the nature of products handled, the BCP 10A LPG gas support will also be included in BCG 10A.

Maintenance Update

Support Package 4 has been released. This release is a functional extension which provides support for the ASTM D1250-52 standard (the 1952 version of the API 2004 standard). The package is available for all customers with valid maintenance agreements, on request.

Maintenance Update

Support Package 3 has been released. This release is a functional extension which includes the following:

  • A new function for density and VCF correction that can be used in the same manner as any external Standard
  • Enhancement of the GPA TP-25 implementation for base temperatures of 15 °C and 20 °C
  • Implementation of the ASTM tables 8, 26 and 56
  • Comprehensive calculation report of quantities and units for petroleum products based on the supported Standards
  • New conversion groups and reading Groups

The package is available for all customers with valid maintenance agreements, on request.

Weight In Vacuum (Mass) and Weight In Air: A Unique Solution From QuantityWare

Oil & gas industry business practices distinguish between quantity values for weight in vacuum (mass) and weight in air. When product is weighed in the real world, the weighing process may neglect the fact that the product displaces surrounding air and thus a reduced weight value (weight in air) is obtained and recorded; for calculations based on mass, such results require correction.
On the other hand, the laboratories that determine crude oil and product densities, usually provide the density in vacuum, which can be utilized to calculate the weight in vacuum (mass).
The SAP QCI calculates the weight in vacuum(mass) for oil products, using a mass-related density value and product volume.
Back in the real world, contractual agreements between sellers and buyers and in some countries, governmental authorities, require the reporting of quantities based upon the “weight in air”.
One way of performing the necessary calculation is to reduce the density in vacuum before the calculation process however, this is not usually a standard procedure and will not work for the varying product density and temperature factors used around the world.
As part of the standard ASTM D 1250-80, tables 8, 26 and 56 were released to convert mass = “weight in vacuum” to “weight in air”; according to ASTM rules, these tables are the current valid standard.
QuantityWare delivers an equation-based solution which provides exactly the same results as the printed ASTM tables 8, 26 and 56. The function-based solution is supplied as standard functionality within the BCP package. Furthermore, QuantityWare offers a quantity conversion solution that includes the calculation of values for weight in air AND weight in vacuum (mass) in parallel.

Next Support Package

QuantityWare has started production of the next CSP  for BCP10A. The expected release is the first week of August.
