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Maintenance Update: BCS 10B

Component Support Package CSP 01 for BCS 10B on ERP 6.0 has been scheduled for Q1 2011. This package contains:

  • Implementation of ASTM D1555(M)-08/09 – 20 -C including new template definitions
  • Enhanced Test Scenario Tool capabilities – Test scenarios can now be defined to test calculation result parameters too
  • Enhanced standard list print options – printing to local PDF files for all supported standards via the Petroleum and Gas Measurement Cockpit
  • Print option for natural gas compression factor lists via the Gas Measurement Cockpit

Standards Update BS EN 14214

BS EN 14214-08 “Automotive fuels – Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for diesel engines – Requirements and test methods” – has been issued including amendment A1:2009 and  corrigendum February 2010, which supersedes all previous editions of this standard. QuantityWare has carefully analyzed the new version and confirms that the BCP implementations of this standard are compliant with this new version.

Standards Update: ASTM D1555M-08 and ASTM D1555-09

ASTM D1555M-04 and ASTM D1555-04 “Standard Test Method for the Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cyclohexane” have been revised and replaced by ASTM D1555M-08 and ASTM D1555-09 respectively.
QuantityWare has carefully analyzed both new versions. BCP 10A and BCP 10B implementations of ASTM D1555-04 and ASTM D1555M-04 comply with ASTM D1555M-08 and ASTM D1555-09 (minor changes for p-Xylene density values can be corrected via customizing).
However with ASTM D1555M-08, 20 °C base temperature calculation procedures are possible for the first time. Component Support Package 01 for BCP 10B will contain a new implementation and new template conversion groups for 20 °C ASTM D1555M-08 calculations.

Release Update

Support release 10B of our products BCP and BCG on ERP 6.0 is now available.
All customers with valid maintenance agreements in 2010 will receive this release as a part of their maintenance service.
The single 10B ECC600 technical delivery can be used as an initial install, or be installed “on top” of an existing 10A system with very little effort. The Release Notes can be found in our Knowledge Base.

Language Support

With BCP 10B and BCG 10B (planned shipment date is Q2 2010) QuantityWare delivers all language dependent quantity conversion template configuration data for the following languages (in alphabetical order):

  • English
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

Maintenance Update

Support Release BCP 10B on ERP 6.0 functional extension. In addition to the content described in our initial News Article (30.Nov.2009) the package will contain following further functionality:

  • Full MQCI support for ASTM D4311(M)-09, asphalt
  • A new crude oil MQCI conversion model which will enable BCP customers to calculate net standard volumes (NSV) and gross standard volumes (GSV) from indicated volumes (IV) or gross volumes (GV) according to the calculation steps defined in API MPMS Chapter 12.2. (Base, Sediment & Water).
  • Allow the definition of any base/standard temperature using ASTM D1250-04 CTPL implementations.

All customers with maintenance agreements  valid in 2010 will receive this release as part of their maintenance services.

Standards Update: ASTM D4311-09

ASTM D4311/D4311M-09 “Standard Practise for Determining Asphalt Volume Correction to a Base Temperature” was revised in 2009. QuantityWare has carefully analyzed this new version. Considerable changes to the implementation formulas have been made when compared to ASTM D4311-04. QuantityWare will implement this newly revised standard with BCP 10B in Q2 2010. BCP 10B will be provided to all BCP customers with current maintenance contracts.

SAP Oil & Gas with LPG and LNG

QuantityWare has released a new working paper. In this paper, we describe how advanced LPG & LNG stock and product transfer control using QuantityWare BCP & BCG conversion groups with SAP Oil & Gas Tank Management can be achieved. The Working Paper can be found in our Knowledge Base.

Maintenance Update

Support release BCG 10B on ERP 6.0 is scheduled for release in Q2 2010. This package contains:

  • New conversion group “explain” function accessible via the Gas Measurement Cockpit
  • Customizing option to freely define liquid and gas volume dimension
  • Full support for LPG energy and vapor space calculations
  • All corrections delivered after BCG 10A CSP 01 release
  • Improved QuantityWare BCG BC set template definitions and test tools which control the consistency of all template definitions


All customers with maintenance agreements valid in 2010 will receive this release as a part of their maintenance services.
