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BCS CSP03 Innovations

In 2014 Q3, BCS CSP03 will be released. Building upon the unique GRC and transparency possibilities offered to customers through usage of our “Test Scenario” functionality (delivered in CSP02), CSP03 will see the release of QCI customizing snapshot, comparison and automated analysis functionality. Sounds great, but what does this really mean? If implemented correctly, when run, our latest functionality will not only report QCI / MQCI customizing and configuration inconsistencies, but will actively identify the source of the inconsistency or, if not specifically identifiable, suggest possible system areas which should be checked by the user.
Quantity values are the lifeblood of your Business – remove unnecessary security exposure, ensure transparency and fulfillment of GRC principles in your business – leverage QuantityWare BCS as your quantity value “Gatekeeper”.

Business Use Cases

In what way can BCS be of use to me in my daily productive system? This document gives four simple examples showing how QuantityWare’s holistic solution can deliver transparency and help your business users meet GRC issues during the productive phase of your SAP Oil & Gas systems’ lifecycle.

Re-Certification Successful

The QuantityWare Bulk Calculations Solution has just successfully completed its re-certification as the only “SAP Certified – Powered by SAP NetWeaver” quantity conversion and governance solution available for the SAP Oil&Gas solution.

New Crude Oil Calculation Model

With Note 48, QuantityWare delivers a second crude oil MQCI model, where the masses and weights are calculated as net masses and weights. The current crude oil MQCI model calculates the masses and weights as gross masses and weights. The calculation of both net and gross standard masses and weights is defined in API MPMS Chapter 12.1.1 “Calculation of Static Petroleum Quantities” Upright Cylindrical Tanks and Marine Vessels.

Standards Update – C.N.P. No. 6- 70

To support customer requirements in the Brazilian market, QuantityWare has just released support of the Standard “C.N.P. No. 6 – 70, Table II [MINISTÉRIO DAS MINAS E ENERGIAS, CONSELHO NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, 1521. ª SESSÃO ORDINÁRIA, (25 de junho de 1970) RESOLUÇÃO No 6 – 70, TABELA II]”. Preliminary delivery is per Note 000046; the standard will be included for all customers in BCS CSP003.

SAP QCI Calculations – Why?

To simply clarify why SAP-internal quantity conversion calculations are a business necessity and to provide a comparison of known alternatives, QuantityWare has released a short presentation “BCS SAP QCI  for Decision Makers”. The Consulting Paper can be found on our Knowledge Base.

Website Changes

The “Downloads” areas of “Support” and “Products & Services” have been modified with pull-down sectional menus to simplify viewing.
Further changes to the site structure will take place over the next four weeks to accommodate our new products CTP and CTG.

BCS Release Update

The CSP 02 Release Notes for BCS 10B have been published, describing the final delivery content to be shipped with CSP 02. The Release Notes can be found in our Knowledge Base.
